Artificial grass for pets

I have been locked inside for a couple of days. First it was because the weather was super wet, my owners call it rain.
Then we had a visit from some gentlemen doing some kind of weird investigation and things started to happen out there today. I wanted to show my owner that I could help him, but he wouldn't let me.
I couldn't believe my eyes, my favourite places were being unearthed and turned into something else.
I couldn't wait to play in the cool earth and score all my points again, but instead I stuck my wet nose in the window and looked out, watching in dismay as everything I've ever known changed.

I have been my owner's faithful companion for many years.

I've seen him come and go with his strange metal rods that I think might be perfect for the fetch game. The balls he uses are too hard for his teeth.

I prefer the soft, supple feel of my tennis ball that I'm always playing with and running after in the garden.

I don't know where it goes with those metal rods and white hard balls. I have heard about "golfing" from my owner's wife friend, but I don't know what that is.
The woman almost always makes a sound similar to the one I make when a relative I don't like enters my territory.
She, by making those noises I can tell she must not like this golf thing.

Back to reality, wait a minute!

There is a new green material in the garden, It looks different.
It looks like two different types of grass. One human is sprinkling something that looks like sand on top and another human is working on the ground.

My owner just called me and told me to stay calm, I just needed a little more, I wondered. Is that all a bit much and all I'll have to do until I have to mark all my territory again? Do these humans even know how much work and how long it took me to do it?
I guess it will be better  I strut over to the bowl of water and I'm going to  I hear my owner going to talk to the humans.
These humans gave my owner some papers to sign. I could only hear parts of the conversation while I was licking my plate of water.

I heard two different terms: "ALLGrass" and "putting green".

What is all this? My owner then replied that he thinks we will all be able to enjoy the new artificial turf. I just heard the artificial turf? You mean I won't be able to mark my territory, dig and hide my treasures?
I am beginning to think that I should be seriously concerned about what has happened.
My owner let me go outside to check this new garden with the new look. I cautiously step onto the new turf. It feels soft, it smells different, but I'm sure it's very similar to the one before.
The only strange place is the shortest grass area with a small hole in the ground and a little white flag. Hey owner! They left a patch of grass behind!
I'd love to stay and chat about this new synthetic turf, but remember all that water I drank earlier? Now I have to get to work and try to re-bookmark all my favourite places now. Woof!

Allgrass Solutions. We offer multiple varieties of synthetic grass to replicate natural grass ideal for your pets.

The unique materials our products are made of allow waste to drain away without damaging their lush green colour.

Pets tend to love these new territories free of lead or heavy metal traces, and so do our customers!

Speak to a Representative of  ALLGrass about our options for pet turf at the present time!

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