Table of contents for Garden Statues, Moai or Buddha, elements of peace and relaxation
A Mystical contribution of the Moai Statues to the garden.
Behind the already well-known enormous stone figures of Easter Island, there are still many mysteries that are still being debated by scientists and historians.
By having a Moai statue in your garden, you can be inspired by our ancestors to carry out your meditation and relaxation rituals outdoors.
Symbolism of the Moai Statues in gardens.
The symbolism that accompanies these fantastic statues could be linked to the abundance and quality of supplies like freshwater sources.
It is believed that the Ahu performed rituals around these statues, having found gardens, crops and other signs of activities such as fishing
Ideas for Buddhist Gardens
Here are some ideas for adding Buddha statues to your garden terrace.
Be inspired by the Buddhist principles of peace, serenity, kindness and respect for all living beings.
You can place the Buddha statue on a marble slab or an altar table. You can also place it on a set of stones or a woven mat.
These statues are often used next to a garden pond and floating lotus flowers.
Have a look at our accessories for your garden or terrace?
Location of the Buddha Statues in Gardens.
The statues should be placed with their eyes turned towards your home.
They must fit into a harmonious garden design that integrates between the various elements of the landscape.
This could help create an environment where negative emotions such as anger, ignorance and greed can be overcome.
It is recommended to exhibit more than one statue. You can play with the different sizes and the contours for each one of them.
Usual outlines for the Buddha statues in Gardens.
Light elements and lotus flowers are the most common things used in Buddhist gardens to accompany statues.
The light can come from candles, torches or lamps with warm light bulbs.
The Lotus Flowers are a species that is aquatic, therefore the ideal would be to have a pond to be able to have these Flowers.
Other ideas for Buddhist Gardens
It uses typical oriental plants such as bamboo and climbing plants such as climbing hydrangeas, jasmine or even passionflower.
Some decorative items that can go great are trellises, decorative roots and sticks and/or decorative bamboo stakes. Also matching are fence nets made of bamboo or fern.
The main types of Buddhist style gardens.
Among the main gardens of Buddhist style, we find the Zen or Mandala side.
The Zen garden or also known as dry garden, is a simple garden where minimalism prevails in its maximum expression.
It consists of having the entire surface with gravel raked with pronounced grooves and making contoured shapes simulating sea waves.
In the Zen gardenIn this case, isolated elements such as large rocks and a few plants or bushes are presented on mounds to simulate islands in the "sea of gravel".
A Mandala garden is centered primarily around a sacred mountain. Usually represented by a large central piece of stone in a vertical direction.
The tradition of this type of garden is based on the fact that the mountain is the axis between the earth and the heavens, and it is considered to be the center of the universe.
The design and location of this vertical stone or rock, should take into account that visitors when walking through the garden, will always have the mountain on their right.