Ground Covers and Lawns in Landscaping

Learn about the history of green roofs with lawns and the different species by climate.

Natural sod and turf coverings have been appreciated in different cultures for their importance in the quality of life.

There are references dating back almost 2,000 years, where cultures such as the Chinese, the Persian carpeted lawns in the kingdom of Assyria, etc., are examples of the importance of this ingrained part of everyday life.

Nowadays, green roofs are cultivated in practically all the inhabited regions of the world, so species have been selected that are adaptable to each region and are useful in different ways, such as ornamental plants, sports roofs, airport areas to reduce dust and prolong the life of engines,
control water and wind erosion, etc? In this way, each grass is used for a specific purpose.


Within approximately 600 genera and 7,000 different species, a specific selection has been determined for the cultivation of ornamental cover crops.

In this selection we find:

Temperate or cold climates:

  • Agrostis canina
  • Or also Agrostis stolonifera
  • Another may be Agrostis tenuis
  • Festuca arundinacea
  • Likewise the Festuca ovina
  • Another option would be Festuca rubra
  • Lolium multiflorum
  • Lolium perennial
  • Poa annua reptans
  • Poa pratensis

Warm climates:

  • Axonopus affinis
  • Buchloe dactyloides
  • Cynodon dactilon
  • Paspalum notatum
  • Paspalum vaginatum
  • Pennisetum clandestinum
  • Zoysia japonica

Other vegetation covers:

  • Dichondra repens
  • Trifolium repens

Once we have mentioned the species that mainly make up the choice when opting for the type of lawn, we enter into the question of whether the choice of a pre-cultivated lawn (better known as natural grass sod) or the possibility of seeding.

Let's start with the seeded lawn. To achieve greater success, we need to consider the following factors:

Land preparation. This implies the contribution of a suitable substrate as a base in the case of not having a suitable land for cultivation. It should mainly be composed of organic matter, which allows drainage and contains fertilization. Subsequently we must choose the right mix of seeds, taking into account the climate.

The proportion of seed per M2 is usually 60 grams of seed. They should be spread evenly over the area to be seeded and then provide a cover that allows aeration of the seed while covering it sufficiently. It is important that the cover contains organic fertilizer in order to accelerate growth.

Not all the seasons of the year are suitable for seeding. If the temperature is too low, it will not
If it is too high, we run the risk of dehydration.

The installation of an automatic irrigation system will guarantee us greater success than using a regular supply of water. The other option is to use pre-cultivated grass. The main advantage is the guarantee of having a green carpet in a few days and be able to enjoy it. Obviously the cost is higher, but you have to take into account all the necessary work at the time of seeding and decide that it pays more.


First of all, let me make it clear that grass is synonymous with water. If we want to have a green cover, meadow, natural grass in sod? we need to hydrate it. It is true that species such as Cynodon Dactilon and other variants are better able to withstand the lack of water, but this does not mean that they can do without it.

The installation of an irrigation system will provide the right dose with the frequency that we intend and we will have a healthy and vigorous growth.


The proper maintenance of a meadow is simple if we set some maintenance guidelines:

Mowing is a simple task and more important than we imagine. Frequent trimming provides more vigor, we must bear in mind that the meadow is composed of a multitude of small plants that together form a tapestry.

In all gardens we find the growth of spontaneous plants or usually called "weeds".

My advice is to do a manual weeding if possible. The use of selective herbicides should be left to very experienced personnel in the application of pesticides, as it is likely that we worsen the problem by affecting the growth of grass and in some cases even lose it. If the invasion is very intense, it is better to replace the affected area.

As mentioned above with regard to spontaneous plants, one of the reasons for this problem is the use of manure mulch or vegetable compost. This type of mulch contains seeds that later germinate, thus causing the usual invasion of weeds.

On the other hand, the use of fertilisers of animal origin from the composting of marine and animal remains, etc., allows for a complete nutritional supply while also incorporating biostimulants that boost plant activity.

Diseases and pathogens.

Another important factor to take into account are diseases and pathogens. When a pathogenic organism or an environmental factor causes an abnormal alteration in the physiological processes and morphological development of a plant, it is considered to have a disease.

My advice is that when we find an alteration in the meadow, such as a change of coloration, stains,
etc.?let's call in an expert, because a detailed analysis is advisable. On this occasion I have tried to approach the importance of the use of green roofs.

Being a very extensive and complex field, I have considered it convenient to simply make a basic introduction to the use of grasses in gardening. For any clarification or questions, we are at your disposal.

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