9 Tips and Tricks for growing an urban garden at home

Introduction to Urban Gardens

Growing an urban garden at home has gained popularity in recent years due to its sustainable approach, the possibility of fresh food and the connection to nature, even in limited spaces. 

If you dream of having your own vegetable garden at home, you've come to the right place!

In this article, we will give you a complete guide with tips and tricks on how to successfully grow your own vegetables, herbs and plants in the comfort of your own home.

Choose your wooden or metal container for your vegetable garden in our online gardening shop.

1. Choose the right place for your Home Vegetable Garden

  • The first thing is to find the perfect place for your urban garden.
  • Look for a location that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight per day.
  • Balconies, terraces, windows and patios are excellent options.
  • Ensure good ventilation and protection from strong winds.
  • It envisages the possibility of adding a greenhouse to grow and protect your vegetation in the cold months.

2. Choosing the Right Plants for Growing in Urban Spaces

Choose crops that are well adapted to the space and conditions of your urban environment.

Herbs such as basil, parsley, mint and thyme, and vegetables such as cherry tomatoes, lettuce, carrots and peppers, are ideal for urban gardens because of their size and ease of cultivation.

3. Prepare the substrate suitable for Orchards and Crops

A rich and healthy soil is essential for the success of your garden.

Use a good quality substrate containing a mixture of soil, compost and organic matter to ensure optimal plant development.

Don't forget to provide a good base for drainage, usually a mixture of gravel and river sand are ideal to place under the substrate to improve drainage when the amount of water provided is exceeded.

4. Suitable containers for gardens and area of use

In an urban garden, containers are essential.

Use pots, grow boxes, planters or even recycled pallets to save space and keep everything tidy.

In addition, it is advisable to reserve a space for a greenhouse in which you can place plants and crops to maintain vegetative activity all year round.

5. Ensure Efficient Irrigation

Adequate watering is key to a successful urban garden.

Be sure to water your plants regularly, avoiding both over-watering and under-watering.

It considers systems of irrigation drip for greater efficiency.

6. Pest and disease control

Keep a close eye on your plants for pests and diseases.

Use natural remedies such as insecticidal soap, neem oil or a vinegar and water solution to keep unwanted insects at bay.

7. Nutrients and fertilisation

Make sure you provide your plants with the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy.

Use organic fertilisers or compost to enrich the soil naturally.

8. Crop rotation

Practice crop rotation to avoid soil depletion and prevent pest and disease problems.

Alternate the type of plants in each season for a better balance of the ecosystem in your garden.

9. Keep a cultivation calendar

Keep a planting and harvest record to plan your crops properly and ensure you always have fresh produce on hand.


With these tips and tricks, you are ready to start your own urban vegetable garden at home.

In addition, growing your own food will give you a sense of satisfaction and bring you closer to nature, even in an urban environment.

So get to work and enjoy the delicious fruits of your efforts! Good luck in your new urban growing adventure!

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