Artificial turf and the modernisation of golf

Synthetic turf and the future of modern golf in cities.

Golf like many other sports, modern golf courses have evolved and today we are facing a growing trend.

It is one of the most radical changes and adaptations that have been known to face the future of this sport.

Since the beginnings of this very special sport, which requires great precision and physical-mental balance, Golf has undergone changes and updates in almost all its facets.

From the rules, through the distances and difficulties of the courses, the etiquette, the appropriate clothing to the sets of clubs and balls.

Success Stories

As with the changes mentioned above, there are already references around the world that envisage the evolution of many golf courses that will move from natural grass to artificial grass.

Cases such as the pitch and putt in the centre of Madrid or the one recently mentioned in this blog Golf course in Australiaare a faithful proof of this.

Like other sports, the evolution of golf could be compared in a short time with the experience that has been lived in football.
Artificial grass has become a very popular flooring and business axis in all areas.
Even coming soon to be the standard flooring in the controversial women's football world cup.
In contrast to the experience of football, the golf as we know it today, with fields of natural grassland and stunning greenery, will undoubtedly remain the essence of the sport.

Golf in cities and metropolises.

However, synthetic turf has served to open up new opportunities and initiatives for modern golf courses.
With this pavement, it has been possible to devise a way to make modern golf courses more affordable and popular.
Making it possible for those who don't have the means or the time to travel to the outskirts of the cities to play it, to do so by taking a subway, a taxi or even walking.
With the synthetic turfIt is possible and feasible to bring this sport to city centres, dormitory towns or housing estates.
Golf schools, driving ranges or the small and already very popular pitch and putts can be built with this pavement.
While it is true that the popularity of golf in Spain is far from that enjoyed by football, licenses until 2007, experienced a dizzying growth.
At ALLGrass Solutions, we are sure that in the short term, this sport and the industry that revolves around golf, will once again experience a boom in all senses.
For information about our design, construction and consultancy services for sustainable golf projects, please contact us.
5/5 (1 Review)

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